
sticky rice (糯米)

Today I made a great discovery! For a few weeks I've had this bag of rice, labelled "糯玄米" laying around. I got it at a Korean market 'cause I didn't know what it was exactly. The grains are more round than the other variety I have. Looks like "白" or a beetle (虫). Cooked this morning and.. really good rice smell, taste was a little bitter?? It's glutinous rice! I've just now investigated, and sure enough, "糯" means "glutinous." This is perfect for riceball and sushi. This day marks a new era of happiness for me.

I have found the following materials for sushi:
- rice 玄米
- glutinous rice 糯米
- nori 海苔
- bamboo mat 簾

I still need:
- rice vinegar 米醋
- mirin 味醂 (I'm sure I saw it somewhere earlier...)

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